How To Keep the Internet From Taking Over Your Life

As an avid user of the world wide web, I would be highly misguided to say that there isn't any good use for the internet. It's a vast store of information and a good way to bridge both cultural and geographical distances, among other things. 

But with free wi-fi popping up everywhere and new smart devices coming out regularly, you may find yourself plugged into the web more than you want to be. 

In this article, we'll look at a few ways you can keep your online usage to a productive level.

8 Inexpensive Hobbies That Also Teach A Skill

With the busy lives of women today, it can be hard to find hobbies that are fun and relaxing, but also enriching. 

With the tendency to run toward cell phone apps and video games in order to wind down, some of us overlook the relaxation found in simply using and building our creative skills.

So without further ado, here are 8 hobbies you can take up that also promote creativity and teach a useful skill.

A More Complete View on Biblical Modesty

The topic of biblical modesty is greatly assaulted by everything from the media to feminism to liberal preachers. It's meaning is hotly debated and a lot of narrow assumptions are asserted as fact. 

In most people's minds, modesty is synonymous with “cover some skin”, but this really is a limited view of a concept that has a broader reach. 

In this article, we'll look at what modesty truly is and the misunderstanding surrounding it.

How To Learn Korean Online For Free

There are a lot of ways to go about learning how to speak Korean or any language, and some of them can be very expensive. There are $200 language programs on CD Rom or classroom lessons that take up extra time to travel to and from class, on top of the high cost.

But for those of us on a budget with busy schedules,  it may not be feasible to put money into expensive programs or tutors. Adding that to the cost of college tuition or homeschooling curriculum can render it unavailable to many.

With that in mind, in this post we'll look at a few ways you can learn Korean online for free.